I've done it! I've reclaimed my 'room'.
It's not much of a room, it's actually a closet. We have two closets in our bathroom and the small one (can you believe the realtors referred to the large closet the womens' closet and the small one the mens' closet?!?) used to hold nothing but STUFF. It was the catch-all for everything we didn't know what to do with. But I worked hard, found homes for everything in there, cleared it out, and made it my own.
Fast forward six months - rather back about six months. (Hold on to something folks, we're going back in time!) My husband would ask if he could put some things in my 'room' to keep them safe. Art that needed to be framed to avoid getting damaged in the meantime, camera equipment that we were assembling for our vacations, etc. But at some point he stopped asking and just put stuff in there. I'd catch him coming out of the closet (ha ha ha yes, I am fully aware of the double entendre there) and I'd ask him what he was doing. "Just putting 'x' in." One day I opened the door and discovered that I couldn't even step in - there were things everywhere. It reverted back to being a catch-all, but in this case, the catch-all was for all his stuff. I was frustrated and upset that my room wasn't my room any longer.
Fast forward six months - rather back about six months. (Hold on to something folks, we're going back in time!) My husband would ask if he could put some things in my 'room' to keep them safe. Art that needed to be framed to avoid getting damaged in the meantime, camera equipment that we were assembling for our vacations, etc. But at some point he stopped asking and just put stuff in there. I'd catch him coming out of the closet (ha ha ha yes, I am fully aware of the double entendre there) and I'd ask him what he was doing. "Just putting 'x' in." One day I opened the door and discovered that I couldn't even step in - there were things everywhere. It reverted back to being a catch-all, but in this case, the catch-all was for all his stuff. I was frustrated and upset that my room wasn't my room any longer.

Well I finally decided to do something about it. This weekend, very late at night when there was no one awake to ask me what I was doing, I went in and cleaned, dispersed, sorted, and found new homes for everything in there. Again. Yes, I was very quiet. Quiet as a dead mouse in fact! It took a while and I didn't get much sleep that night but I finished.
We have a household of 4 adults, two children, and eight pets. I'm an introverted, homeschooling mom and I'm with my kids 24/7. From directing and helping with their schoolwork, to chauffeuring them around to their outside activities, to laying down the law. The other adults in our home go to work during the week and although they might complain about it, they do get a break from the kids, the laundry and dishes, the surroundings, from me, and from each other. For my sanity (or what was left of it) I'm sure it's understood why I needed to carve out a place for myself. So that everyone knew that when I was in that place they shouldn't be interrupting me. Sometimes I need quiet. Sometimes I need to be alone. Sometimes I need to withdraw in order to recharge. Sometimes I need to just chill and breathe.
We have a household of 4 adults, two children, and eight pets. I'm an introverted, homeschooling mom and I'm with my kids 24/7. From directing and helping with their schoolwork, to chauffeuring them around to their outside activities, to laying down the law. The other adults in our home go to work during the week and although they might complain about it, they do get a break from the kids, the laundry and dishes, the surroundings, from me, and from each other. For my sanity (or what was left of it) I'm sure it's understood why I needed to carve out a place for myself. So that everyone knew that when I was in that place they shouldn't be interrupting me. Sometimes I need quiet. Sometimes I need to be alone. Sometimes I need to withdraw in order to recharge. Sometimes I need to just chill and breathe.
By the way, having alone time obviously didn't happen with the water closet (the official term for the tiny enclosure where the actual toilet is) because that seems to be THE ONE place I'm at when everyone around here has an emergency, a question, a need, or would like to yap at me because everyone else is busy. The little chatterboxes in the house have a captive audience - of course they seek me out to gab at me! I swear they have L.E.D. lights somewhere in the house where only they can see them to alert them to when I'm actually in the bathroom. Anyhow, the place we moms go to get away from it all was becoming Grand Central Station just on the other side of the door. Turning on all the fans in the little cell didn't work either. It muffled noises just enough that annoy because although you couldn't exactly hear what people are wanting, they stay there until you can. So what's more annoying? Being there and knowing someone is just on the other side of the door waiting for you while repeating over and over that they can't be heard and they have to wait? Or constantly turning off the white noise so that they CAN be heard and having it now possible for you to play directory assistance? Not one but multiple times. The penalty for the injustice of disturbing someone in a self-evident sanctuary should carry the maximum sentence!
Anyway, back to the point at hand. I have my Zen Room back!
The outside of the door as you enter my Zen Room.
From the left wall as you enter the room.
Lots of yoga/meditation books, my hoops, and my covered djembe in the foreground.
Lots of yoga/meditation books, my hoops, and my covered djembe in the foreground.
A picture of the center with salt lamp in the corner.
I was able to back out the door for this picture and the next.
I was able to back out the door for this picture and the next.
The right side of the room. The near corner has some yoga exercise equipment.
Exercise ball on the shelf to avoid taking up floor space.
Exercise ball on the shelf to avoid taking up floor space.
A barely seen picture of the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars.
I can turn the light off and just lie there and look at them.
I can turn the light off and just lie there and look at them.
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